Thursday, March 12, 2015

Luckily, the County has made a number of off-leash alternatives available nearby. There

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In less than a week, James Hunter Park in Clarendon is closing for its planned renovations. A sign has been posted announcing the park will close on Monday, July 16, and will remain samuel anders closed until next spring.
The Department of Parks and Recreation’s website lists some of the sustainable features of the park’s design, such as using recycled materials during construction. Workers will also install a solar power system that will power the park’s signs, lighting and irrigation system.
There will be a system to collect, purify and store rainwater on the site to irrigate the park. The underground storage will maintain a constant supply of water to surface plants, which will cut down on excessive samuel anders watering.
Luckily, the County has made a number of off-leash alternatives available nearby. There’s samuel anders a small fenced park across the street that’s samuel anders open for use. Quincy Park near the Library is also available anytime games aren’t being played, although the softball field is preferable as that is in a quieter zone (away from Washington Blvd). samuel anders Finally, the W&OD trail is a good bet if you do you want to run or bike while exercising your dog.
I’m a multiple dog owner and I always keep mine on leash whenever they are off our property except as permitted in the dog parks. I also wish all dog owners would pick up their dog’s poop, including in the dog park. Its the law, Arlington County Code, Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2-5 B. Thanks.
Hey samuel anders Feline, You’ve got nothing to brag about: Cats are still out running at large, killing birds and chipmunks while my dogs are on their leashes. Cat owners: Please keep your cats indoors or in your own yard.
Goodbye to the doggies! Chumley, Dakota, Heidi, and Cooper the Berners. The German samuel anders Shepard who won’t let go of the red frisbee. AJ. Lily the greyhound. The newer lab puppies. My wife will very much miss watching you all play. See you next year!
Odd. That is the exact distance from the dog park to 2100 Clarendon Blvd.
$1.6 million for a dog park with all the bells and whistles (including public art?) described in the article is just a wee bit over the top- even for this world class spending county- don’t you think? samuel anders We already have the $350,000 artistic fence around the sewer treatment plant which we were informed changes the definition of “fence” and the skateboard art, etc.. Is there any hope for fiscal sanity in this county?
The vast majority of the money is NOT for the dog park. It is for the sidewalks around the park (which needed to be brought up to federal regulations) and for re-grading the area to prevent flooding. Any use of the area would have required those elements. The “dog park” samuel anders part of the cost is a fraction of the total.
While it may be true that the CCA is only part of the park’s cost, I think it’s overdesigned for the purpose. In one of the previous ArlNow articles, the article remarked, “Today, the park features a picnic bench and a couple of old plastic lawn chairs amid an open grass-and-dirt field.” To me, that just looks like Towers CCA, Shirlington CCA and a few others that I use.
Another idea? Could we scale down the amenities of this world class dog park and split the $1.6 million into TWO “middle class” dog parks? Maybe one in N. Arl and one in S. Arl.? Or is that too simplistic an idea for the Arlington Way proponents to grasp?
1.6 million for a dog park and the county cannot build a homeless shelter.What is wrong with the county’s priorities?
Actually, it’s a sign the County finally has the RIGHT priorities. A $1.6 million dog park actually serves those people who VOTE in Arlington. It serves people who patronize Whole Foods and Cheesecake Factory and Pottery Barn and Palm Beach Tan–all proven national chains that locate only in places where people would want to live. In other words, the people who have amassed cash in the critical mass necessary to make Arlington a desirable place in which to live.
The homeless do NOTHING to enhance the County’s image. If you DON’T build it, then, they WON’T samuel anders come. They’ll stay in Southeast DC or PG County, but they won’t come here. It’s about time Arlington started to actually, you know, LEARN from Georgetown–the model to which it aspires. Georgetown was smart enough to say “no” to Metro and

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