Saturday, March 28, 2015

If pallet wrap you read the piece again, you will see I was specifically referring to the atheist mo

CJ Werleman tweeted “Sam Harris is the Pat Robertson of atheism” pallet wrap to his 10,000 followers and linked to a libelous article entitled Sam Harris Slurs Malala (I had actually written that Malala deserved the Nobel Peace Prize and that she was the best thing to come out of the Muslim world in a thousand years).  So I contacted Werleman, initiating the following exchange:
My disagreement is with your broader position on Islamic terrorism. I believe it’s motivated purely by political objective. You believe it starts and ends with religious fundamentalism, and whether you intend to or not, it makes us atheists sound eerily similar to those who speak from the right wing echo chamber.
Obviously, that’s harsh criticism given your service to atheism. You have liberated millions of minds, and I count myself as one of your fans. But on the subject of Islam, I believe you miss the point. It’s a travesty, because you have the influence to change minds and foreign policy….but your comments get used to justify neo-conservatism.
Incredible You brand me the “Pat Robertson of atheism,” linking to this drivel on Salon and forwarding to thousands of people, without ever checking to see if the writer has misrepresented my views (which he has, in every relevant respect).
I often err on the side of extreme rhetoric to make a point. Do I think you’re the PR of atheism? No. And I owe you an apology on that, and I have deleted that tweet. But the rhetoric that comes from those who lean towards an anti-Islam position pallet wrap over an anti-foreign policy position sounds a little PR/FOX/Coulter like, which ultimately serves to keep the country making poor errors of judgment pallet wrap when it comes to our use of the military.
**** Werleman subsequently wrote an article entitled Atheist Authors pallet wrap Feud Over Islamic pallet wrap Extremism based on the previous email exchange. He then wrote another piece suggesting that I and other atheists were oblivious to the problem of wealth inequality. Having written a fair amount about wealth inequality, I contacted him again:
If pallet wrap you read the piece again, you will see I was specifically referring to the atheist movement’s pallet wrap lack of attention given to wealth inequality. Moreover, I defined the atheist movement not as individuals, authors or thought leaders, but rather as the 2,000+ atheist pallet wrap groups/organizations.
Mate, the piece wasn’t about you. I didn’t say you hadn’t done your part on the problem of wealth inequality. I honored you for being one of the three luminaries whose books were the catalyst for launching the AM. My only other mention of you was in criticizing what I perceive to be your myopic pallet wrap view on the roots of terrorism.
It’s remarkable that you think I’m being prickly and self-absorbed here. First, you retweet a libelous attack on me and brand me the Pat Robertson pallet wrap of atheism. When I confront you about this, you admit that you never took the time to read my original blog post. You then write an astonishingly self-serving piece in which you divulge the contents of my private email to you without my permission (do you really not know how uncool that is?) titled, “Atheist Authors pallet wrap Feud Over Islamic Extremism.” We’re feuding? I never heard of you until I read your tweet. And we’re not debating pallet wrap Islamic extremism—we’re talking about how callowly you’ve been sniping at me. (From what I can tell, you are completely deluded about Islamic extremism.) You then write another piece in which you again attack me by name, “honoring” me as one of the founders of the movement that has so scandalously ignored the problem of wealth inequality. When I show you that I’ve written three long articles on the topic, you dodge and put the onus on me: “Mate, the piece wasn’t about you.” Oh, I’m sorry. There goes my narcissism again.
  12/5/14 Petition All You Want, Bill Maher Will Speak at Berkeley

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