Friday, May 8, 2015

The ATLS guidelines now recognize the value of the detection pa banding device CO 2 (capnograph),

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An overview of changes and additions to the guidelines pa banding for ATLS leading to the 8th Edition of the American College of Surgeons.
Since the publication of the 1 st 1978, ATLS improved pa banding therapeutic care in trauma internationally, serving as a reference point for the methodology focused on the assessment and management of trauma and to establish common accepted terminology that allowed the doctors of Emergency Departments pa banding Incident to work in harmony and synchronized with surgeons and traumatologists as members of a team of trauma group, offering services with international standards in the treatment of trauma.
The digital rectal pa banding examination rectal not advised pa banding at all injured. May be performed selectively pa banding based on clinical judgment of the physician.
The ATLS guidelines now recognize the value of the detection pa banding device CO 2 (capnograph), the laryngeal mask airway (Laryngeal Mask Airway - LMA), and rubber-tipped for epivoitheia in endotracheal intubation (Gum Elastic Bougie), in the treatment of airway the injured.
There are clear criteria pa banding on which cases must a check by CT angiography for closed pa banding (blind) injury carotid and vertebral arteries.
Until recently, guidelines and educational program ATLS prepared following special uniform agreement without rigorous literature review, and distributed internationally with the book form and organized practical seminar.
We asked experts at the international level to provide recommendations based on evidence and then the Subcommittee A TLS examined the data. Using the classification scale the level of significance of indications (LEO Scale), pa banding data were classified according to the type of study (treatment, prognosis, diagnosis, decision analysis and economy), but also on the quality of the study.
The quality of each study, graded from 1-5, with 1 being rated in the "gold standard study" (the gold standard study) and five rating in opinion of experts (expert opinion).
Release Comment: The standard practice with so-called "any person injured need to undergo a digital rectal examination rectal unless pa banding no anus or if the doctor will do the examination has finger" no longer applies. The performance pa banding of digital rectal examination is a diagnostic command and applied after clinical decision when and where needed.
Device detection of Carbon Dioxide: appropriate use of detection equipment carbon dioxide (ideally quantitative measurement with capnography, but if not available, using colorimetric detection device) to assure proper positioning of the endotracheal tube in the trachea. Indications significance level (two studies LOE 3)
Laryngeal Mask Airway: Is consolidate the role of the Laryngeal Mask Airway (Laryngeal Mask Airway - LMA) in deal with difficult patient airway, particularly if efforts to tracheal intubation and ventilation with bag release of self, have failed. Placing laryngeal mask does not ensure stable airway patency. pa banding For proper pa banding placement of laryngeal mask requires appropriate education. If you arrive in the ED patient who has positioned laryngeal mask from pre-hospital care personnel, doctor IRD should try to ensure stable airway patency. Indications significance level (three studies LOE 2, 5 studies LOE 3, 1 study LOE 1)
Laryngeal pa banding airway tube (New Addition): The Laryngeal Tube Airway (Laryngeal Tube Airway - LTA) is a supraglottic airway device with similar capabilities in providing adequate ventilation

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