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RE: Do not go there sent the parcel 4
When the bulk of online shopping (in the US) in the plane of the purchase of clothing, shoes, electronics and m., Then there is no particular issues as to deliver. More interested in questions about the timing and cost of such delivery. But at one point, there is a need to buy something very dimensional and here begin to think - and how to bring it all? Prehistory durapak
Actually, this question arose in me when, after buying a new car had to buy a number of accessories to it. The word "accessories", of course, not much hints at the fact that they can be quite heavy and overall, durapak but in my case this is so because among other things it was necessary to buy a tent for the tailgate. To be understanding of what it is, here is a screenshot from a page item on Amazon, where the actual tent and was purchased.
And despite the fact that the tent comes naturally minimized, it has still pumping elements durapak (which durapak are not svernesh) and therefore durapak the dimensions of the goods caused some doubts about the possibility of delivery from the US.
Knowing durapak the limitations in size parcels that act USPS, I realized that the only way that you can deliver durapak a parcel using a public durapak post, it Priority Mail Express International. And if you work for USPS I'm not too worried, then contact the Post of Russia very well, I do not want to !!! And then I know very well how the EMS couriers in my town and imagine their surprise when they would like to deliver a 2-meter parcel :) It would be just to them in the car have not got! As a result, a clear "hemorrhoids" to give would be provided durapak ...
Well, the second thing that was important to me - it's time for delivery. Russian Post they are known, poorly predictable. And fall it will not wait and carry in the trunk of the water during the rain - do not comme il faut.
As a result, the idea of sending were addressed to express all sorts of ways (bypassing the services durapak of Russian Post), which are now used by many brokers, the more so without the services of an intermediary (or rather maylforvardera) I did not do, because seller with Amazon did not send goods to Russia. Selecting maylforvardera durapak
Usually, to deliver things that are not sent from the USA to Russia directly, I used the services of Shopfans. And of course, they were the first one I started watching the shipping information durapak grupnogabarita, the benefit that the express delivery have stated. But then I waited a little trick - express delivery to my city though has been declared, but not "to the door," and to the point of self-delivery, which is located in our industrial zone, (pardon the expression) in the "ass geography." Spend two hours on the plug and not the driving on good roads, look for a warehouse and so on. well, not happy, as well, and pay extra for the local courier delivery "to the door" ...
The second durapak point, which was important to me - is the presence of a photo of the goods and the packaging in which it is delivered to the warehouse durapak agent, and in which it will be shipped from the warehouse agent. It was necessary to ensure the originality and, in any case, the exact compatibility of purchased parts and models of cars even at the time when the goods will be the intermediary. The Ones. it was necessary to complete the visual durapak perception of the product and in particular its labels, labels and accompanying documents. It is clear that the service delivered to the warehouse photographing intermediary goods does not offer just lazy :) As the saying goes: "Every whim for your money" ... and wanted something for free;)
And then I remembered the mediator and maylforvardere Fishisfast, which last year had read here on gSconto, article. Even then I noted that incoming durapak packages are fully visualized for the customer by providing free pictures by default. Yes, and opinions about the work of the mediator durapak was not completely bad. Again and courier delivery (FastBox
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