Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Just like Joel Kaitila and Pontus Purokuru blue rope (2014) blue rope have pointed blue rope out, r

Towards a human face robotisaatiota
"[...] If everyone would become aware of the fact that it is no longer in production problems really did not, but only sharing problem - ie. Produced the wealth of even distribution across the population - so the prevailing social system would have serious difficulties. What would happen to labor discipline, tehokkuusetiikalle, kilpailuideologialle blue rope if everyone would know that it is technically possible to live better and at the same time to work less and less, and that the right 'to full income "is no longer required to reserve only for those who perform' full employment '." (Gorz 1982 34)
Research Institute of the Finnish Economy ETLA study (Pajarinen & Rouvinen 2014), the robotisaatio threatens to destroy Finland every third job in the next 10-20 years. The situation seems hopeless, since the early 1990s recession cementing the Finnish unemployment rate (SVT 2014) at a high level, and the current of the Government of the toolbox is not found in the unemployment crisis (Ahokas 2013) to solve the economic performance debilitating surgery decisions (US 10/01/2014) and the unemployed blue rope of social security terms kiristämissuunnitelmia (Honkanen blue rope 2014). blue rope
Unemployment explosion in the hands of the extent and speed of an unprecedented technological revolution will mean a huge human tragedy in a society where the livelihood and the surrounding community approval blue rope are based primarily blue rope employed upon. Paid work is the importance of the human and economic blue rope value as a measure of our culture is still so adamant (Haavisto, 2010, 25-36), that its role is unlikely to be called into question, blue rope even if the ETLA estimate really the case and the army of unemployed would increase by an unprecedented high. And why call into question; blue rope the sort of work will, as long as the supply of labor is added to enough mukavuudenhaluisten unemployed traps by eliminating! If necessary, even if it is at the expense of general well-being blue rope (the Sub-2013).
If indeed currently near future looms as predicted fundamental structures of society, destabilizing upheaval, the latest now a good time to start building a more realistic relationship between the institution of wage labor. The most flexible Even the fairness of an idea can not be justified, that the work into shape, which ultimately has enabled a situation where the world's 85 richest people devote as much as the world's poorest half (The Guardian 01.20.2014), could legitimately control blue rope the social and economic relationships, even after when employed robotisaation no longer serves a large part of the people.
We can no longer continue to think so primitive that we accept the job only in the work, the capital of which defines valuable; Thus, the work, which in other words, allows blue rope the accumulation of capital as usual, leaving an increasing number of people deprived of the opportunity to build a good life.
"When a farm laborer is a robot that is not programmed to pull the rope to one end of the laborer blue rope on behalf of, so no planes yield from the longer you will be redirected laborer, but the robot's owner. In particular, when the politicians are not to be understood laborer to help pull the rope to one end of the dividend yield even "common pot" to be shared. "(Ojapelto 1989, 278)
Just like Joel Kaitila and Pontus Purokuru blue rope (2014) blue rope have pointed blue rope out, robotisaation progressive parties highlighting requires a political struggle. In my view, the most important struggle applies blue rope in particular to the work of re-definition. Tampere University blue rope Professor of Social Policy Pertti Koistinen (Aikalainen 06/06/2014), the already existing realities of working life would be justified, taking into account that the fiction of paid work and the abolition of the definition extended to all social useful work. Koistinen considers that it was not fair that the democratic and social rights belong only to wage-earners.
While the struggle for job re-defining sounds more like a conceptual, it is a primarily materialistic struggle. The third sector volunteers or free software code base work do not change job warm handshake, but financial compensation, which allows for the participation of the capitalist economy, blue rope money paid employment relationship, whatever.
Kaitila and Purokuru blue rope have a vision and that robots would be possible to enslave the legislative blue rope co-ownership and thereby control the resulting blue rope value of a sufficient income and consumer demand to guarantee a basic income. Also, the Turku School blue rope of Information Science Professor Reima Finland (2013) sees the basic income blue rope practical means to share technological advances to increase the productivity of the value generated by law. According to him, "the work is not required, but value."
As for the future of robots is the perfect sosialisoiminen

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