Monday, September 15, 2014

root @ x41: ~ # ldapsearch -x-b

Spammer Island, Margus Site complains "Spämmiblog
The Data Protection Inspectorate received 15.07.2010 Margus Site island of complaints against the activities of your personal information in connection with its disclosure website Margus Site Saar argues he has not given you consent to your personal data, the above website.
Personal Data Protection Act, 1, provides that the Personal Data Protection Act is designed to protect the processing of personal data of natural persons sheet metal hammer of fundamental rights and freedoms, notably the right to privacy. As part of privacy is a fundamental right of everyone to protection of personal data. Interferes sheet metal hammer with the privacy of the data collection, recording, storage, alteration, use, and disclosure to third parties, including the issuance or any processing of personal sheet metal hammer data.
Personal Data Protection sheet metal hammer Act, 10, paragraph 1 of the processing of personal data is permitted only with the consent of a person sheet metal hammer if the law does not stipulate otherwise. Once the data has been obtained from public sheet metal hammer sources, this does not mean that without the data subject's consent, they could be anywhere an unlimited process. sheet metal hammer This is also the case Margus Site on the island the right to require the Data Protection Act 12 paragraph 4 of the disclosure of his personal data sheet completion of the network.
The context of the Act, individual scores can be anything from writing to request. Laws must be viewed in its entirety. For example, sheet metal hammer you have not taken account of Privacy Act, 2 section 1 clause 1 letter pandut. sheet metal hammer These exclude the possibility that individuals required to provide any absolute prohibition to the processing of personal data. Tõnu Samuel is a person who processes personal data on spammers for personal use, and it's pretty much allowed ERSONAL Protection Act, 2 section 1 subsection 1 under and I do not see any reason to carry out such a claim.
A legal entity related to disclosure of personal data protection law does not regulate. Companies at the publication of the names of those members of the Board may be lawful if it helps to better identify the legal entity. Company name, and a board member EBR data is public data playback. Commercial Register of companies and their legal representatives signed the disclosure is intended to ensure reliable transaction turnover. Companies and other legal entities acting sheet metal hammer only through natural persons (board members) who make transactions on their behalf.
In this case, however, the website published by Margus addition to the island of sheet activities of the company as a board member and an administrative contact person sheet metal hammer for his LinkedIn profile the data, including details of previous employment, which has been directly part of a person's privacy sheet metal hammer . It also estimates that an inspection is not legitimate to suppose Erki, Site Kristel Saar, Saar and Alar Site Riivo Järveotsa disclosure sheet metal hammer of personal information. Recognition of the above entities interested in the portal Facebook a group of persons is certainly not reflective of the business, but purely personal information. sheet metal hammer Also in the Commercial Register, these individuals are not associated with Blue Tooth LLC.
You've forgotten the most important! I've also published by Margus Site spammers island of operations, as well as for his own use a false name! Privacy Act, Section 11 subsection 1, adds that "if the data subject has their personal information made public by themselves, given this Act, 12 of the consent to the disclosure or if personal information is disclosed by law, including this section, pursuant to paragraph 2, it does not apply to the processing sheet metal hammer of personal data in this Act, other sections of . "
I do not own any of the facts or arguments to the effect that no one else would be in public environments, LinkedIn, and Facebook page Margus Saar, Erki Surely, Kristel Saar page, Alar page or Saaremaa Riivo Järveotsa information published without their consent. For personal use, I have saved from their photos and other personal information, and gather them in a separate folder "spammers" and the analysis (parsing?) And their relationship to pornoäri SMS loans. Margus Site Saare personal information is disclosed, at least in the Commercial Register, LinkedIn sheet metal hammer portal Facebook environments (, Elva High School website, Wikis, and ID card as well as a certificate server Carried out here at the same time a public inquiry:
root @ x41: ~ # ldapsearch -x-b "c = GB" "serialNumber = 37704142739" # extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # base <c = GB> with scope subtree # filter: # serialNumber = 37704142739 Requesting: ALL # # INSERT ASH \ 2CMARGUS \ 2C37704142739, Authentication, ESTEID, EE dn: cn = INSERT ASH \ 2CMARGUS \ 2C37704142739, ou = Authentication, ESTEID = o, c = GB userCertificate; :: binary MIIEIzCCAwugAwIBAgIESaY0lDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADBbMQswC QYDVQQGEwJFRTEiMCAGA1UEChMZQVMgU2VydGlmaXRzZWVyaW1pc2tlc2t1czEPMA0GA1UECxMGRV NURUlEMRcwFQYDVQQDEw5FU1RFSUQtU0sgMjAwNzAeFw0wOTAyMjYyMjAwMDBaFw0xNDAyMjQyMjA wMDBaMIGXMQswCQYDVQQGEwJFRTEPMA0GA1UEChMGRVNURUlEMRcwFQYDVQQLEw5hdXRoZW50aWN

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