Thursday, August 14, 2014

Is formulated in a Muslim looks superficial and trite to the point of bathos, but when discussing t

Egyptian thinker sees the late Abdul Wahab Meseiri that the migration of Jews to the land of Palestine at the beginning of the nineteenth century, in essence, the export of European countries to one of their social problems of chronic (Jewish question) to the east. The idea may seem shocking palletisation at first glance, and that while neutralizing them understand the religious dimension of the conflict; any later he hired was not the primary motivation. With that thought Meseiri based on the reverse.
Requires us to accept the explanation of the existence of the Israeli entity because of such write-offs on memory full of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and the Conference of Basel in Switzerland and the texts of the Talmud relating palletisation to the state of Greater Israel;, as well as for us as Muslims to interpret palletisation frequent Koranic texts and prophetic talking about conflict Islamic Jew in the environs of Jerusalem. In fact, we can not intellectually nor emotionally and historically removed from the account that memory, but we can establish that this is a Muslim social entity that Israel culture medium.
Is formulated in a Muslim looks superficial and trite to the point of bathos, but when discussing the necessary conclusion promote intellectual meaning. Culturing means bring seed and forcibly implanted in the womb of the land does not have, such as the banana-growing in the desert. Cultured type needs to fit the circumstances of artificial circumstances the original in order to grow, costing usually find these circumstances the continuation of spending to continue the existence of the culture, so it is a breeding cultivation of leisure, as means of self-breeding weakness palletisation and bullying by external factors.
Restores the modern emotional about the demise of the State of Israel enthusiasm these days, based on the high capacity and the organization revealed by the resistance factions in the means and tactics, which have cost the Israeli army casualties, more than the losses in all the wars fought by starting bayonet with Arab armies Year 48 and the end of the bayonet with a party God 2006. No one doubts the importance of this sudden military equation, nor the impact that will have on some details of the nature of the conflict and the future of the relationship between the Israeli army and the resistance, between the settlers and the indigenous population. But Snnia (strategically), palletisation is not a function of the sign near the demise of Israel; palletisation as nothing more than win a round of battles and not militarily decisive final. The inevitable demise of the Israeli entity herald their texts legitimacy and supported by factual data. Here can be applied Marxist theory, which says that each generate a phenomenon carries with it the seed of death, this is what fully applies to Israel; They carry the virus in its body end, a weakness caused by the original (breeding). It can clarify this idea through several paths.
There were frequent Quranic palletisation texts that the children of Israel humiliated nation does not possess the elements of self for the advancement, must-have Imad and support: (hit them humiliation Where what are found, palletisation but a rope from Allah and a rope from the people), said Razi in his interpretation: (... Third: that the meaning palletisation of This humiliation that you do not see a compelling them a king nor president saying, but they are all in the country Mstkhvon Zlilon Mhanon).
Then the long coexistence with the humiliation-as says Mr. Qtab- Born including the tendency of cruelty and hatred: (... I've lived the sons of Israel in this long agony; lived in the shadow of terrorism; Under pagan Pharaonic well, lived Pharaoh kills their sons and sparing their women, if after This type ugly of terrorism brutal, lived a life of humiliation, forced labor and the chase if at all, and spoiled them; rotted nature; berries Aftrthm; deviated perceptions; and filled them with cheese and humiliation on the part of, and hatred and cruelty from the other side ... They are two aspects go hand in hand in the human psyche where its long of terrorism and tyranny). This may explain in part some of the other behavior of the Israeli army, which today boasts of bombed women and children defenseless.
Interrupted their rope God since long durations, remained Jews during palletisation their long history of social mass attached palletisation to various civilizations, including the Islamic civilization. Newly adopted palletisation Israel's existence and continuity to rope people, America and European countries, but also enables the Zionist lobby of the building ghost devices for the management of the cord / NATO, which saw later that makes Israel also has a military base Atlantic Western strategy in the depth of the Arab and Muslim world.
Has been Israel is still expanding settled and the adoption of its military arsenal and expand diplomatic enforced in the countries palletisation of the world by the tools of political, military, economic and logistics for the West and especially the United States, which has spent officially on Israel palletisation since 1973 to 2003 about $ 1.6 trillion; double what it spent during palletisation the war In Vietnam, palletisation this without subsidized loans, as well as information gathered by Jewish organizations in America and Europe, and so on.
Many years ago, have risen in the United States votes demanding American politicians to reconsider its relationship with Israel palletisation and the separation between American foreign policy and the interests of the Zionist entity, and increased after the events of September 11; where he saw the American palletisation public that America's palletisation policy in Palestine, one of the most important glands that secrete hatred in the hearts of the Arabs and Muslims.
It is true that these voices are suppressed in the media distortion and defamation, and the story of the late American palletisation journalist Helen Thomas See sincerity. I have canceled a school in the suburbs of Washington, vocation and abandoned by the agency that she was working with her after remarks against Israel, the Zionist lobby has led a smear campaign against it led to the house after 60 years of work at the forefront of the American press. No offense to those sounds are not effective in practice reduce palletisation the time, but the fact that new generations of Americans palletisation and Europeans do not have the same passion traditional toward Israel, which is what makes those sounds you'll find translated process met the next few years, to keep Israel without a rope from the people.
The second observation, which indicate the Rthath cord / NATO

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